I sometimes wonder about whether connecting my parents to the internet was a good idea. When my mom first got online several years ago, Darren and I were constantly troubleshooting. Mom would call to chat, but inevitably there would be a question about why something wasn't working properly, or an email attachment wouldn't open, etc. And it was probably a really important attachment, like a picture of a cat in a teacup or something else animal-related that my aunt had sent her. We would go out there for dinner, and there would always be something to fix on the computer. Somehow, the sound would be turned off, even though Mom hadn't clicked on anything. I told my sister that I was going to write a book: "Mom on the computer...One Woman's Journey to Insanity" (my journey, BTW).
Most of the bumps have been smoothed out now, and Mom is able to navigate around to do her puzzles and listen to online sermons from her church, among other things. The problem now is that Mom and Dad tend to believe just about everything on the internet.
When we were at their place for lunch yesterday, Mom told us that a friend had given her a link to an article about Oprah. She couldn't remember what it was, and she couldn't remember what exactly the article said, but what she got out of it was that Oprah is evil. Actually, it was more like EVIL. That was the word that she and Dad kept using. I'm not too sure whether they actually gave specific examples. Kimberly was asking them about it, but I was busy laughing, so I didn't hear how they responded. The part that put me on the floor was when they mentioned that the friend who'd given them the link in the first place thinks that Oprah is the antichrist.
Now, I'm not a huge fan of Oprah, but I don't think she's the antichrist. I think that like a lot of people, her theology is completely screwed up, and she has a very humanistic way of seeing things. I think she's bought the same lie that satan has been serving up since the beginning of time, but that doesn't make her the antichrist. While it is a shame that with the millions of people Oprah reaches every day, the right message isn't getting out there, I haven't heard of any Oprah cults forming. I really don't think she's more dangerous than any other celebrity out there.
I googled "Oprah antichrist" and "Oprah evil" and was amazed at what a following there seems to be for this particular idea. There seem to be a lot of confused (or paranoid?) people out there who are attributing a great many things to this woman that she could not possibly be responsible for.
So just when we thought we were out of the woods, in terms of mom and the internet, it looks like there may be more work ahead. I think I'd rather deal with the spamming issues we had previously, where most of mom's emails had FWD in the subject line. I think mom and dad were a little concerned that Kimberly and I weren't taking the whole thing very seriously, that we just weren't grasping the EVILness. We promised them that we don't watch Oprah anyhow, so I think they were satisfied. Just between ourselves, Kimberly and I decided that from now on whenever anything goes wrong, we're gonna blame Oprah.
Most of the bumps have been smoothed out now, and Mom is able to navigate around to do her puzzles and listen to online sermons from her church, among other things. The problem now is that Mom and Dad tend to believe just about everything on the internet.
When we were at their place for lunch yesterday, Mom told us that a friend had given her a link to an article about Oprah. She couldn't remember what it was, and she couldn't remember what exactly the article said, but what she got out of it was that Oprah is evil. Actually, it was more like EVIL. That was the word that she and Dad kept using. I'm not too sure whether they actually gave specific examples. Kimberly was asking them about it, but I was busy laughing, so I didn't hear how they responded. The part that put me on the floor was when they mentioned that the friend who'd given them the link in the first place thinks that Oprah is the antichrist.
Now, I'm not a huge fan of Oprah, but I don't think she's the antichrist. I think that like a lot of people, her theology is completely screwed up, and she has a very humanistic way of seeing things. I think she's bought the same lie that satan has been serving up since the beginning of time, but that doesn't make her the antichrist. While it is a shame that with the millions of people Oprah reaches every day, the right message isn't getting out there, I haven't heard of any Oprah cults forming. I really don't think she's more dangerous than any other celebrity out there.
I googled "Oprah antichrist" and "Oprah evil" and was amazed at what a following there seems to be for this particular idea. There seem to be a lot of confused (or paranoid?) people out there who are attributing a great many things to this woman that she could not possibly be responsible for.
So just when we thought we were out of the woods, in terms of mom and the internet, it looks like there may be more work ahead. I think I'd rather deal with the spamming issues we had previously, where most of mom's emails had FWD in the subject line. I think mom and dad were a little concerned that Kimberly and I weren't taking the whole thing very seriously, that we just weren't grasping the EVILness. We promised them that we don't watch Oprah anyhow, so I think they were satisfied. Just between ourselves, Kimberly and I decided that from now on whenever anything goes wrong, we're gonna blame Oprah.
HAHA!!! I laughed reading this and am sorry I missed the fun.
It's a shame that people read stuff on the internet and buy into it so easily. But I laugh because I can just picture how serious mom & dad must have looked, and about how worried they were about you guys. :D
The whole, "my sound isn't working and I didn't touch anything" thing was too funny because it's true. Can't tell you how many times I have taken that computer off mute.
Anyway, hopefully they don't end up reading too much on there, but just stick with the crosswords and sermons...from their church!
I've tagged you with a meme. Link back to me at Karyne's Kronicle to find out what to do...if you want to do it. Don't worry, if you don't participate in these meme things, I will so not be offended! Hope you're having a great week!
I eally enjoyed reading your Oprah post...and your blog, have a great day!
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