Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

Well, this is not turning out to be the Valentine's Day that I thought it would be. Earlier in the week, I figured that by Thursday, I would have finished off the work I needed to do, put the finishing touches on my almost spotless house, and then Darren and I would head out to The Keg for a nice dinner (courtesy of gift cards from the in-laws for Christmas). HA. You know what they say about the best laid plans... (truthfully, i'm not sure what they say, but i'm assuming it's something like "the best laid plans all go down the toilet because something always happens to poop all over them".

I've been fighting a losing battle with a cold all week, and yesterday i just felt wretched all day long. I didn't get much work done. I didn't get the laundry done. Nothing got vacuumed and my kids were writing in the dust on the TV. I promised myself that after dinner, i would take care of the work first, and then see how much i could get done around the house. Darren rushed out to a practice at the church, under strict instructions to bring home NyQuil and parchment paper (because i of course still had to bake cookies for the girls to take to school). About an hour later, he called to tell me that he was on his way to the ER because he was getting another attack with his kidney stones. Oy. Long story short, Darren spent the rest of the evening in the ER, and our wonderful pastor and friend kept him company, since i was nauseated and miserable (WHERE IS THAT PRESSURE POINT?) and had scrapped plans for doing anything other than lying on the coach and groaning. I called my SIL, and she dropped everything to come out to be at the hospital with Darren, in case they decided to keep him for a while. Fortunately, the morphine did its thing, and Donna brought Darren home sometime after 11.

So after all that, all plans for The Keg have been chucked. Darren is better today, but he still feels drained. I feel as though i've been dragged behind a bus. Ah, well. Valentine's Day is overrated anyhow. We'll snuggle up on the couch tonight (actually, i'll be on my couch and he'll be on his, but you know what i mean) and toast each other with a cup of hot tea, and maybe an Easter Cream Egg. Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ummmm...could we make that hot chocolate instead. :p

I have thoroughly chastised my kidney for producing another stone just in time for valentines, but it will probably still get to go out with us when we finally get to the Keg.

Oh well, at least we have our separate couches...BAH! Move over!!