Saturday, May 31, 2008


I think my kids consider themselves fairly grown up, but occasionally they do or say something that makes me sigh with relief that they really aren't as sophisticated as they think they are.

A while ago we somehow got talking about natural disasters at the dinner table. (Hmmm...natural disasters at the dinner table sounds like someone laughing milk out their nose or burping the alphabet. Let's just say we were discussing earthquakes, tornadoes and the like.) Darren and I were sharing what limited knowledge we had on the subject, when Lauren said "I wonder if salamis are as dangerous as hurricanes". There was a pause, during which Darren and I grinned at each other across the table, and then I said "Oh, I DEFINITELY think that a hurricane is more dangerous than a salami". I was then going to set her straight (very kindly, so as not to make her feel foolish) when Will jumped in. "WHAT?? SALAMI?? NOT SALAMI....IT'S TSUNAMI!!! HAHAHA!!! SALAMI!!!" Sweet boy. Lauren was a little annoyed until I told her to ask Will what an uhlcar was.

But the best one I've heard in a while came today. Emma and I were lounging around this morning, talking about things we want to do, when she mentioned that she'd like to see a movie. I asked her which one she wanted to see and she said "Well, it's called...umm...oh yeah! The Narnicles of Corinthia." OH MY GOODNESS DID WE LAUGH!! All day, every time I thought about it, it would make me laugh all over again, especially because she didn't see what was so funny, initially. So with all due respect to Mr. Lewis, around here we will refer to his great literary work as The Narnicles.


Unknown said...

OH MAN!! I am laughing again just thinking about it! :D

bebe said...

That is too funny!